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Influencing Behavior through Gamification

Erin Fair
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When you are grounded in an industry that has a long history and many traditions, evolution can be painful... ResNet AI understands this and we have looked to video games as our inspiration. Call of Duty for the Oilfield anyone? That is what our Founder envisioned.

When I joined ResNet, our mission was clear: build an objective based gamification system that would merge the thrill, aesthetic, and the experience of a hard-core video game with an operations workflow management and data collection systems.

But why?!?!

Video games have incredible intrinsic motivators built into them. People will spend countless hours honing a specific skill just so they can beat a boss level with their friends, grinding on a quest to get an item that will let them personalize their avatar, complete a challenge to gain a special ranking, and so on. For those of you who might be doubtful, we encourage you to review the enterprise value of video game companies... Activision built an >$80B enterprise on gamifying home entertainment, just saying.

Enter - The Octalysis framework by Yu Chai Chou spells these out very clearly with 8 core drives:

Epic Meaning


Social Influence






These powerful intrinsic core drives ultimately influence changes in behavior.  At ResNet AI we have crafted our experience to include all of these!

Core Drives in ResNet

Individuals are empowered to engage in objective-based activities where they are rewarded with experience points (XP). That’s right, every action on the platform has XP associated with it. This does two things: First, it allows the users to track their progress by means of rank and levels they gain from this XP. Second, it allows the business to watch overall engagement of the system and all actions taken on it. The future of this is to marry this to a formal career development plan, and digitize performance-based compensation programs

As users ascend through the ranks, they have the opportunity to earn a variety of prestigious accolades. These include Badges (one-time awards recognizing outstanding accomplishments), Achievements (native tiered awards for consistently completing tasks), and Special Medals, (Badges designed to commemorate significant events such as work anniversaries). We have social feeds where the users receive kudos and recognition for their achievements for an overall rockstar effect.

Users can also access their Personal Stats page. This gives them immediate feedback on all tasks they are working towards. As a video game would give you real time progress and feedback on your skill proficiency, our platform highlights the areas of strength as well as the area for improvement. Also, similar video games, users can choose the areas they want to focus in with their achievements. Different categories highlight unique skill sets. We want to bring to light not only high performers, but those team players who are are critical for the morale and functionality of the group - the ‘ops influencers’, the mentors, collaborators, the unsung heroes!

Show Me The Money!

Do you have a hard time quantifying bonus at the end of the year? You are not the only one. With ResNet the performance data is tracked all year long. We’ve created a system that gets rid of the guess work, and creates transparency across the entire org. Employees know exactly how they are performing and progressing towards their bonuses.

Managers can begin to influence behaviors with our Daily and Weekly Challenge Playlists. These target specific behaviors for the business, but deliver them in the context of a game. This adds fun and motivations to otherwise routine tasks.

Building off of this, ResNet has game modes (what?!). These allow the managers to create team or individual based games centered around a specific objective, for example Hazard Hunt is a game all about finding and documenting hazards, a safety scavenger hunt on steroids!

But wait, there's more! Admins are given the power to further personalize the experience by creating custom badges tailored to their specific events, objectives, and company culture. This adds a little spice by adding in some unpredictability as to what will the admin create next!?

The Secret Sauce

What truly sets our award system apart is automation. Unlike other gamification systems that require manual inputs, ours operates seamlessly in the background. Once set up, you can simply sit back, relax, and let it run on autopilot. Say goodbye to manual hassles and hello to effortless recognition and motivation!

Want to see this gamification system in action??? Schedule a demo, test drive the system and find out if you are winning!

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(C) RESNET AI  INC. 2024